O’zbekiston bo’ylab sayohat

5 (2 Izohlar)
From: 3.500.000,00 UZS
(2 reviews)


10 kun

Tur vaqti

Barcha mavsum

Necha kishi

30 kishi




Hech kimga sir emaski, O‘zbekiston o‘zining boy madaniy va tarixiy merosi, betakror meʼmorchiligi va sanʼatiga ega. Toshkent, Samarqand, Buxoro, Shahrisabz, Xiva, Urganch, Termiz, Qoraqalpog‘istonning qadimiy tarixiy obidalari O‘zbekistondagi tarixiy va maʼrifiy turizmning asosiy poydevori hisoblanadi.

Gastronomiya – bu O‘zbekistonni sevish uchun yana bir sabab. Mamlakatimizga kelganingizda siz har qanday ekskursiyani rad qilishingiz mumkin, lekin hech qachon ovqatni rad eta olmaysiz. Ayniqsa bu yerning havosi aeroportdan boshlab mazali taomlarning xushbo‘y hidi bilan to‘yingan.

O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab gastronomik sayohat sizga butun yil davomida unutilmaydigan taʼm taassurotlarini qoldiradi va siz buni hatto uyda ham takrorlashni xohlab qolasiz.

Agar siz O‘zbekistonning go‘zal tabiati va noyob qo‘riqlanadigan hududlari, nodir hayvonlar va qushlar olamidan bahramand bo‘lishni istasangiz, mamlakatimizning milliy bog‘lari va qo‘riqxonalariga tashrif buyuring.

Turga kiritilgan/kiritilmagan

  • Mexmonxo ikki / ko’p kishilik xonalarida dam olish
  • Xivaga boradigan poezd biletlari
  • Barcha transport xarajatlari
  • Programmada ko’rsatilgan barcha ovqatlanishlar
  • Tarixiy obidalarga kirish chiptalari
  • Xoxlovchilar uchun o’z manzillariga qaytish chiptalari
  • Mexmonxonalardagi shaxsiy xarajatlar
  • Programmada ko'rsatilmagan ovqatlanishlar
  • Sug'urtaning har qanday turi
  • Uchoq biletlari
  • Spirtli va spirtsiz ichimliklar

Tur dasturi

1-kun: poezdda Urganchga
2-kun: Xiva – osmon ostidagi muzey
3-kun: Xiva → Buxoro
4-kun: Buxoro – sharq durdonasi
5-kun: Buxoro → Nurota → Yurta
6-kun: Yurta → Aydarko’l → Sentob
7-kun: Nurota tog’lari
8-kun: Sentob → Samarqand
9-kun: Shahrisabz – Amir Temurning ona yurti
10-kun: Samarqand – yer yuzining sayqali


Multi day



Tur manzili



(2 reviews)
Very Good
2 reviews on this Tour - Showing 1 to 2
Travel Agency in Uzbekistan



Fantastic Trip

I am a little late in posting a review. We returned from this trip in early March, right when everything started to close down due to Covid-19. I can tell you that the memories of this trip have kept me going while sheltering in place. If you are thinking this might be the trip for you, please know that it is very fast paced with moving from place to place almost every night was quite challenging. The cycling itself was challenging based on ones fitness level. My husband completed every kilometer, while I did about three-quarters of the cycling. A lot of it depends on the heat, but for a female in my early 50s, I found it very doable. We had the most fabulous guide and crew. I cannot say enough of about our guide Son - he was absolutely amazing - taking care of all the details while we enjoyed ourselves. There are plenty of water/snack stops with fresh fruit and amazing snacks (ginger/nuts/cookies). They take very good care of you.
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Travel Agency in Uzbekistan



A Brilliant Trip

We have been on a couple of cycling trips before and this one was probably the best. Tri our guide was outstanding and all our fellow cyclists were a great bunch of people. We got a real flavour of life in Vietnam. Lots of interesting food.The meals were good and plentiful. Thought we would lose weight but didn't! Good Hotels. Many highlights but a couple or so to point out,Whale Island and Hoi An, the 30km exhilarating downhill ride and cycling in city centre traffic...... great fun but leaves your heart racing. It is quite full on which leaves you wanting to spend more time in some of the places visited. The usual pattern is arrive at 5 - 6 pm, leave at 7.15 next morning. However we did find time to swim in the hotel pools. Overnight train was great fun ....all part of the adventure. To cover the length of the country there are some longish times in the bus but the bus was comfortable but great chance to talk with your fellow travellers. This also gives you time to see more of the country and people watch. Staggered us how much could be piled on a scooter!The bikes were ideal for the road conditions as well as being clean and very well maintained. At the frequent refreshment/rest stops there was lots of juice, water, fruit, nuts and biscuits. The driver and bike mechanic were very friendly and very competent. Great organization, things happened when Tri said they would.
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Narxi: 3.500.000,00 UZS
5 (2 Izohlar)


Congress-Hall Bus

Member Since 2022







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